How often should you service your AC unit?
We recommend service twice a year, spring and fall.
What times of year should you service your AC/heating unit?
Pre-summer and in the fall are good times to have your unit serviced. Please call before summer when we are busy with emergencies and no cool calls for service.
How do I know if it's time for a new air conditioning unit
You should look into getting a new air conditioning if your A/C is over 15 years old. You should also consider replacing when repairs for your A/C add up to more than $2,000.
Will a new air conditioning unit save me money?
Yes. Newer A/C units are designed to be more ecofriendly and energy efficient, meaning you’ll save on energy bills. Plus, the older your A/C unit is less efficiently.
How often should I replace my filters?
You need to change your filters anywhere from every two weeks to every 90 days. Depends on cleanliness of house, location of filters, and filter type. You need to change them more often in the summer or if you have several people and pets living in your home.
Should I have regular maintenance on my HVAC system?
Yes, of course! Regular maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure the longevity of your HVAC unit.
What's the typical lifespan of an air conditioning unit?
If you get regular maintenance, it will typically last around 15 years. Most air conditioning units will develop issues between 7-10 years.
When do I know my air conditioning unit needs a repair?
There are several warning signs that will give you the heads-up that you need a new unit. If you’re noticing higher energy bills, odd noises, longer cool-down times or weird smells, there’s a good chance you need to call The Cool Dude for repairs.
We can handle all your HVAC repair needs
How do I know if it’s time for a new air conditioning unit?
You should look into getting a new air conditioning if your A/C is over 15 years old. You should also consider replacing when repairs for your A/C add up to more than $2,000.
Will a new air conditioning unit save me money?
Yes. Newer A/C units are designed to be more ecofriendly and energy efficient, meaning you’ll save on energy bills. Plus, the older your A/C unit is, the less efficiently it runs.
If you have any other questions, call The Cool Dude today.